Friday, October 23, 2009

Integrate Offline and Social Media Marketing Into One

Social media marketing is effective, fun and addictive; but is your business really getting the most out of it?

Probably not if it hasn’t taken an integral approach!

That means, joining your offline and social media marketing efforts together.

Below are 5 ideas that will get you started.

1. Meet your followers: Tweetup & “Faceup”

friend_requestThought of meeting your fans and followers in real settings?

There is a limit to relationship building when it is done behind a screen. Meeting face to face with your fans and followers will bring that very “digital relationship” to a higher level. It builds brand loyalty and also shows that you care enough to go through the hassle to connect with consumers.

The result is likely to be great if you don’t mess up during the meeting.

2. Add Twitter and Facebook on…

twitter_facebook_logoOnline customers probably know you’re on social media but does your offline customers know too? Most likely not. The idea here is to bring your offline customers online. Especially customers who are first timers, you wouldn’t want them to leave after their first visit.

Put your Facebook and Twitter page address on your brochures, business cards, paper bags or even the product itself!

For people who’re in the food business, adding them on your plates and cutlery will definitely spark off conversations between you and your customers.

3. Make it convenient for them to follow you

twitter_facebookTo make it convenient for your customers to follow you, perhaps placing a desktop at your store front would help.

You can call it a “social media booth” or something along this line. Make sure you explain to your customers how it works.

“Hammy Hamburger is on Twitter and Facebook! Follow us to receive a yummy voucher! and a burger follower too!” :D

4. Social media coupons

Who says coupons can only be given offline? To thank your fans and followers for following you on social media, allow them to print coupons online to receive discounts and benefits. This will spur many people to visit your store, translating their online loyalty to offline action.

Check out how Chick-fil-A give away sample through Facebook.


5. Use a social media business card

This deserves to be an idea on its own.

We know how awkward it is whenever we meet new customers and don’t know what to talk about. If you have a card like the one on top, it can spark off conversations easily.

With social media so widely adopted, it is not hard to meet another social media lover like yourself!

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