Saturday, November 28, 2009

75 ways how you can use twitter in your business

Yesterday we mention about 42 signs You Are A Twitter Addict. Today we like to tell you about how twitter can be used as key tool for marketing your business.

We really can’t deny the fact that businesses are testing out Twitter as part of their steps into the social media landscape. You can say it’s a stupid application, that no business gets done there, but there are too many of us (including me) that can disagree and point out business value. I’m not going to address the naysayers much with this. Instead, I’m going to offer 50 thoughts for people looking to use Twitter for business. And by “business,” I mean anything from a solo act to a huge enterprise customer.

So here are the 75 ways how you can use twitter in your business

1. To promote your worthwhile cause/favourite charity on
2. To point people to the latest copy of your newsletter
3. To promote your internet radio show on
4. To tell people of your event on
5. To send out an updated price list to clients & prospects
6. To share your powerpoint presentation on
7. To ask for referrals
8. To qualify prospects
9. To tell people about your latest press release on
10 To promote your latest article on
11. To get eyeballs on to your ad on ebay
12. To Share some useful tips about your services
13. To get signups for your workshops and seminars
14. To conduct market research
15. To promote your latest podcast
16. To share your seminar talk on
17. To give your feedback of software you just bought
18. To conduct marketing research
19. To show the latest thread on your blog (twitterfeed)
20. To point them to your press release on
21. To get eyeballs on to your lens
22. To get people to book on your workshop via
23. To position yourself as an expert
24. To get new members to your clubs on &
25. To promote your articles on
26. To increase response to your ads
27. To tell people about
28. To share your white paper on
29. To launch your new premium service
30. To tell people you’re going on holiday
31. As a way to promote your products online
32. To promote your latest video on You Tube
33. To promote your ad on
34. To allow people to download a trial version of your software
35. To promote your latest job vacancies
36. To find out what latest job vacancies are out there
37. Share some useful tips about your products
38. To promote your latest photographs on flickr
39. To get comments onto your blog
40. To share an important fact form
41. To give referrals
42. To help others generate traffic via trafficswarm
43. To show your demo video on
44. To show people your trial software on
45. To boost morale
46. To create mutual opportunity for friends
47. To simplify/improve your customer service and support
48. Tto tell people about
49. To promote your new membership site on
50. To promote your latest book
51. To help with recruitment for your MLM Opportunity
52. To remind people of your terms and conditions
53. To tell people how to create a mobile website with
54. To give people a google map url on how to find you
55. To direct people to your ezine sign up page
56. To get people to vote for you at
57. To collect case studies
58. To get people to sign up to your webinar at
59. To share customer testimonials
60. To run a poll or survey using
61. To advise others of bad payers / bad debtors
62. To point people to your latest article on
63. To tell people about
64. To tell people about your new listing on
65. to tell others what the best sellers on ebay are
66. to link to your ads on
67. to encourage others to subscribe to your group on
68. To share financial market info from
69. To ask for ideas, suggestions and recommendations for new products
70. To share a Spreadsheet via Google Docs
71. To Tell people how to book on your next webinar
72. To share your diary and get your appointments booked up
73. To give your feedback of a workshop or seminar you attended
74. To demonstrate to journalists how responsive your network can be
75. To say thank you to people you care about.

How about some others? If you liked this post, Share it to your friends spread the word. And also, you can comment below if you know more ways to know how you can use twitter in your business or not, if its not listed above.

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