Just the other day someone tweeted me with IMHO in the tweet. What the heck does that mean? How does someone figure that stuff out? I remember it took me a month to learn that TY stands for thank you. I know… duh!
If you are new on Twitter, I’m about to save you a whole bunch of time and shorten your learning curve a lot. I made this master list of 35 Twitter abbreviations for us to share. I’m sure there may be some I’ve forgotten, so please leave them in a comment below.
1. b/c = Because
2. BG = Background (when someone refers to their Twitter background page)
3. BFN = Bye for now
4. BR = Best regards
5. BTW = By the way
6. DM = Direct message
7. EM = Email
8. FB = Facebook
9. FTF = Face to face
10. FWIW = For what it’s worth
11. Gr8 = Great
12. IMO = In my opinion
13. IMHO = In my honest opinion or in my humble opinion
14. IRL = In real life
15. J/K = Just kidding
16. LI = LinkedIn
17. LMK = Let me know
18. LMBO = Laughing my butt off
19. LMAO = Laughing my ass off
20. LOL = Laughing out loud
21. NP = No problem
22. OMG = Oh my God
23. OMFG = Oh my f—- God
24. PLZ = Please
25. ROFL = Rolling on the floor laughing
26. RT = Retweet
27. RTHX = Thanks for the retweet
28. TMB = Tweet me back
29. TMI = Too much information
30. TTYS = Talk to you soon
31. TTYL = Talk to you later
32. TY = Thank you
33. WTH = What the heck
34. WTF = What the f—
35. YW = You’re welcome
<3 = This is the text version of a heart
How about some others? If you liked this post, Share it to your friends spread the word. And also, you can comment below if you know more Twitter Abbreviations, if its not listed above.
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