Wednesday, November 18, 2009

YouTube Direct Brings Users Closer To News Media

It is probably a dumb question to ask, but do you know how to record a video?

With the help of advanced technology, many of us are capable of taking high quality videos and sharing them with the world. Still, how many people actually care about the videos we uploaded?

Being a nobody on YouTube, the video that we post would have less potential to go viral. You curse and swear because you know your breaking video deserves so much more.

The good news is, this is all about to change.
The Change

YouTube Direct has brought social video sharing to a whole new level. In a nutshell, it allows users to post breaking videos directly to the news media. If your video is news worthy, chances are, it would be picked up and broadcast digitally or through the TV. News media is resuming its role as the gatekeeper of information being spread.

This tool would also prove to be useful during events such as disasters, protests and elections. We are soon going to see a powerful marriage between content from users and the reach of news media.

More from YouTube:

“That’s why we created YouTube Direct, a new tool that allows media organizations to request, review and rebroadcast YouTube clips directly from YouTube users. Built from our APIs, this open source application lets media organizations enable customized versions of YouTube’s upload platform on their own websites.

Users can upload videos directly into this application, which also enables the hosting organization to easily review video submissions and select the best ones to broadcast on-air and on their websites. As always, these videos also live on YouTube, so users can reach their own audience while also getting broader exposure and editorial validation for the videos they create.”

To learn more, watch this video about how news organizations in particular can use YouTube Direct:

Key features of YouTube Direct include:

1. Built on the YouTube API, this 100% open-source solution provides you with an easily-integrated audience engagement platform for your website.

2. The customizable interface allows you to tailor the look and feel of the tool precisely to your audience.

3. Visitors can answer your call for content by uploading their videos to YouTube via your site without leaving the page.

4. A moderation panel enables your editors to review and approve/reject all submitted videos, deciding which ones meet your organization's editorial criteria.

5. All videos approved by your editors include a link back to your site when viewed on YouTube.

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